Biodigesters – Facts You Ought To Know

Do you need a new biodigester or want to convert your traditional one? We offer both solutions!

Benefits of our biodigesters

  • They convert waste into gas and clean water.
  • They don’t need emptying and, therefore have low maintenance and operational costs.
  • They provide an odour-free environment.
  • They require less space than traditional tanks and other waste management systems.
  • They are easy to maintain since they have large inspection points.
  • They work perfectly for both domestic and commercial use.
  • They are built with very durable, high-quality materials and therefore last for decades.

What our clients say about us

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    In many cases, people equate biodigesters to biogas plants. A biodigester only qualifies to be a gas plant if it is set up to collect gas. Most people use it to control and manage waste. Gas is not collected as it is produced in small quantity. A septic tank, for example, is a type of biodigester system. However, it lacks the ability to capture the gas. Here is what you ought to know about a biodigester.

    Definition of a Biodigester

    A biodigester is a system which decomposes human waste material. This process takes place in a digester tank. It uses unique bacteria to converts the waste into water and methane used for cooking. Water leaves the tank for re-use in other places. The bacteria used are anaerobic. This means that they can survive in places where there is no oxygen. In addition, they procreate and multiply themselves. For this reason, the systems don’t require another dosing.

    A biodigester does not need a sewage system. This is because solid waste is turned to water. The water leaves through an outlet or percolates to the ground. Bacteria in use work under a different range of temperature. A colourless and odourless gas commonly known as Bio Gas is generated.

    The concept intends to address sanitation challenges facing most people in rural areas and many schools.

    Biodigester Toilet Design

    A biodigester toilet is a modern way to manage and control human waste. It is eco-friendly and maintenance free. It is most common in schools and in several individual residences mostly in rural areas.

    Many people are replacing the traditional awful pit latrines with the new biodigester toilets. The most common biodigester toilets are made by BlueFlame Energy Solutions. For enquiries, you can click here to get contact details of BlueFlame Energy Solutions.

    The assembling of the toilet is done locally. Bacteria in the systems decompose the waste and turn it to boil. A boil is a liquid rich in organic fertilizer. In addition, it is odourless, free from pathogens, and perfect for agriculture. However, ensure that the person you are hired and trust to set up a biodigester is qualified and with the necessary skill. Checking for a license and a portfolio as poor installations can be catastrophic.

    The toilets have a protruding ventilation unit. Ventilation ensures that they remain odourless as decomposition takes place. The ventilation system in some toilet includes a fan which uses wind energy. Most toilets have translucent roof material to allow adequate light inside. The toilets do not need water as well. As a result, it reduces the power and water bill.

    The toilet is friendlier to children, unlike the old pit latrines that were prone to accidents. In design, the loo is never to be full. After installing a bio-toilet, you don’t dig another after a few years unlike in latrines.

    What are biodigesters made of?

    A biodigester is made using a plastic (mostly polythene geomembrane, tubular polyethene, or PVC). The other materials needed include pipes of size 6″ to input manure and water from the toilet or externally and also to output boil. The boil is a liquid fertilizer and increases yield by up to 50%. Use a half or three quarter inches irrigation tubing for biogas collection. Other accessories include taps, tees, and elbow joints among others. All the materials are always locally available across every country

    Biodigesters are buried in an open trench but not so deep in the ground. This is because they are made using flexible materials. For a family, it will vary in size with respect to the region but at least 1m wide by 8m long will be enough for most. In highland places, it is best to place a biodigester under a shelter and build it in an east-west direction. This is to keep the cold out. If a trench is already there, it will only take one morning to construct and install a biodigester and the afternoon to install the biogas pipes so a day is enough for the whole installation.

    Biodigesters for sale

    If you intend to install one of this at your home or institution, there are very many available renders today both local and international. One of the most reputable local companies that offer this service is BlueFlame Energy Solutions. In addition, people and companies who install and repair of the system list their services on commerce sites like Alibaba, Amazon and OLX.

    Hundreds of companies offering installation and maintenance of biodigesters have come up across the country.  The companies offer great expertise and knowledge base for the digesters. This has led to a decrease in price due to competition and demand. Basic requirements are a tank, pipes and most importantly the bacterial chemicals. The materials are locally available across any country.

    Biodigester toilet cost

    The price of installing the system varies depending on whether it is for home or commercial purposes. It ranges at around 100, 000 Kenya shillings for home and around 200,000 Kenya shillings for commercial. The biodigester toilet cost can change depending on the site where the installation will happen. The price change depending on the number of users. Pit latrines cost relatively the same amount. However, they need to be done afresh in a couple of years. As a result, they need the same amount again. For this reason, this is a great way to save money.

    A few years back, schools and home latrines used to smell really bad. This was as a result of poor means to control the waste. Biodigesters have today proven to be of great benefit to the economy and society. It has created job opportunities, facilitated cleaner and better streets, easy management of human waste materials, just but to mention a few.

    In addition to decomposing organic waste, water treating water takes place. Water treatment occurs from the very start to the end point. The water released is about 98 per cent clean and free of pathogens. The water has a fertilizer effect, therefore, can replace inorganic fertilizers. As a result, it is great for use in irrigation purposes. However, it is not for human or animal consumption or cleaning in the house. This requires additional treating.

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